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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Election Predictions and a little Humor

Based on YOUR research of articles& polls, make your predictions about the election.

Who will win the electoral college vote?
Who will win the popular vote?
Will one side or the other blame voter fraud when they don't win?

And now...a little humor from both sides:

Joss Whedon "endorses" Romney

SNL spoofs debates

"Obama" speaks to Ohio voters

You only have to make your own comment as far as predictions. Bonus points will be given for finding additional humor from either side (**Must be school appropriate!) include a link :)

Due Friday November 2, 2012 at 11:59:59pm.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Campaign Game 6th Period

Happy Electioneering!!!
Use what you know about elections, the electoral college, etc. to run for President. (If you have time, play twice) 
1. Play one player
2. Choose your party/platform.
3. its up to you if you want to include a 3rd party candidate.
So...running for office is not as easy at it looks is it?
Now that you have run, answer the following questions:

1. Did you win or lose?
2. What did you do that you think made the biggest difference in your candidacy?
3. What effect does knowing how the electors (i.e. do you spend the most money in the most populated states?)
4. What effect do interest groups/special interests have in the election process?
5. Would you like to run for office? Why or Why not?

Remember to use school appropriate language and NO TEXT SPEAK!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Campaign Game! 5th Period

Happy Electioneering!!!
Use what you know about elections, the electoral college, etc. to run for President. (If you have time, play twice) 
1. Play one player
2. Choose your party/platform.
3. its up to you if you want to include a 3rd party candidate.
So...running for office is not as easy at it looks is it?
Now that you have run, answer the following questions:

1. Did you win or lose?
2. What did you do that you think made the biggest difference in your candidacy?
3. What effect does knowing how the electors (i.e. do you spend the most money in the most populated states?)
4. What effect do interest groups/special interests have in the election process?
5. Would you like to run for office? Why or Why not?

Remember to use school appropriate language and NO TEXT SPEAK!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Freedom of Speech Part 2

This is just a side note, and very disappointing in the conversation about civil discourse. Comments are not required.

Pundit uses R word to describe Obama

The Last Presidential Debate

These are some of the reactions from the last presidential debate.

Huffington Post
NY Times
BBC News

and finally

Compare and contrast the articles. What examples of bias are evident? Are there any articles that are less biased than others?

Argue your side and with a fellow classmate.

Bonus points if you can find another article that shows additional reaction.

Due by 10/26/2012 by 11:59 pm

Monday, October 15, 2012

Freedom of Speech or ????

In the past couple of weeks, a couple of CEO's have sent letters to employees about the election.

Read one here

and another here

Is this protected under freedom of speech or is there something else going on here? Is this permissible under law? Could this count as voter intimidation?

Argue your case and remember to reply to another.

Due Friday October 19, by 11:59:59pm

Monday, October 8, 2012

Vice Presidential Debate

John Nance Garner, former Vice President, once said "the vice-presidency is not worth a bucket of warm spit." But, in this election year, the Vice-Presidential candidates it is possible that the VP candidates will make a difference. Read the article, what role do you think the VP candidates will play in this election, and what will happen once one of them either becomes VP or continues as VP. Remember to respond and respond to another classmate.

Due by Friday October 12 at 11:59 pm.