John Nance Garner, former Vice President, once said "the vice-presidency is not worth a bucket of warm spit." But, in this election year, the Vice-Presidential candidates it is possible that the VP candidates will make a difference. Read the article, what role do you think the VP candidates will play in this election, and what will happen once one of them either becomes VP or continues as VP. Remember to respond and respond to another classmate.
Due by Friday October 12 at 11:59 pm.
I think that the VP's will play a big role because if one of the candidates for president lack something in one debate and dont do good, then the VP's will have to make up for what their partner did bad. Once one of them becomes VP they will have to meet the expectations of the public according to what they hava said in the debates and about the important issues going on.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Maritza because the VP have to make up for the weakness of the President.
DeleteI agree with Maritza that the VP in this election, Joe Biden in particular, is picking up their partners slack and trying to gain what little ground they could against the other.
DeleteI agree with Maritza because the VP is there to help the president look good and deal with anything the president or presidenial candidate did not deal with.
DeleteThe roles the vice presidents will play in this election is like that of goalies. As the article says president Obama did "poorly" in last weeks debate. The article goes on to explain how Obama should have pressed the Social Security issue more. In this debate Biden will have to attack Ryan as much as he can because he needs to make up for president Obama's performance. Ryan will have to be defending Romney's plans(like the tax deficit plans) against Biden. So they are like goalies in that if this was a game, Biden has to make sure the democrats dont lose more points. While Ryan has make sure that the "game" doesnt go back to Obama's favor(hence they're protectors). Whoever wins this will be the marker for the presidential campaign because as of now it is pretty even.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Julio about the concept of the VP's as being "Goalies". Their purpose is to defend and protect the decisions the presidents make.
DeleteI agree with Julio because those up for the VP position are the president's protectors. VP carry the weight since they have to make up for the president's mistakes and if they don't do a very good job at it, it decreases their chances of winning.
DeleteYes, the Vice Presidents will paly a big role in the election. Since Barack Obama showed a weak debate peformance last week, it's up to Joe Biden to put the Democrats back on the offensive. Once someone becomes VP or continues as VP, they would have to follow what they said, and give their opinion to the public about important issues. They also have to serve as President is the President dies.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Johnathon. Being Vice President is a big role because if the president dies they'll have to take over. They need to have their desicions similar as the President's so they won't cause any problems between them.
DeleteI agree with Jonathan, because the VP will have a big role in the government if the President dies he will take over.
DeleteI agree with Jonathan the vice president should always be prepared to defend the president decision and to replace him at any moment.
DeleteI agree with Jonathan about the democrats going on the offensive. After the presidential debate they really had no other choice.
DeleteI believe the Vice President will have to play a great role in the debate because everything they say will be defending their President. Their position is like a right hand man so the President will rely on them in making them look good. Also, if the President says something wrong, it is up to the Vice President to back him up.
ReplyDeleteI agree with YESenia because basically is up to the Vice President to "save" the president from any weaknesses he did in the debate or back up the president from what the president supports.
DeleteI agree with Yesenia that the vice president is there to back up the president and help him, he is there to support.
DeleteI also agree with Yesenia because the vice president is basically there to support the president on any weakpoints that he may have and to back him up on all his campaigns.
DeleteI agree with Yesenia that everything the VP says is to defend the President.
DeleteIn this year's elections, the VP's role is elevated. During the Vice-Presidential Debate this week, Biden, who is a more seasoned politician, is going to try and make up for lost ground that Obama had taken during last week's debate. The debate this week is up for grabs. The Democrats could get back on the offensive with Biden leading them, or the Republicans could keep up their performance from last week's debate. Once one of them become VP or stay VP, they would still have to shoulder the burden with their running mate of getting our economy back on track, dealing with healthcare, and other pressing issues and problems that our country faces. They would also have to be prepared to become President if the current one were to pass away.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Linh because the role of the vice president is bigger this year. Both Biden and Ryan will have to attack and support solutions to the major problems in the country along with the presidents. A lot is at stake with the vice presidents, especially after last week's debate.
DeleteI agree with Linh in that Democrats can win back the offensive (if they try hard enough) or in the other way the Republicans can keep up with their good performance.
DeleteI believe the vice president will play a limited but essential role in the election. They'll have to back up the president they're running with and agree on their policies. With Joe Biden however he will need to have a more aggressive role to go after the republicans due to Obama's passive attitude during the last debate. Ryan i believe will have a supportive role to Romney backing up his opinions and defending his views and plans. The most important roles the Vice Presidents will have after the election is to fill in for the unlikely event of the president's death and to cast a tie breaking vote in the senate
ReplyDeleteI agree with Adrian that Ryan primary job is to support Romney (defensive), since he had a more "successful" debate, while Biden will have to be offensive.
DeleteI agree with Adrian, because Biden will need to come off more aggressive to defend Barack and his weak performance last time. Which will make the election can be back to a close race.
Deletethis time around i believe that the vice presidents debate are getting really involve in the slection.specially ryan he is speking out a lot about his plan and what he want to do. i think the debate will be better then the presidents debate thanks to obama not trying his best i think joe biden will need to bring all his has to help obama win voters. i believe that the debate will help out people who are undecided about who to vote.and the have to stand out more because they are the ones will be supporting if anything bad was to happen to the futur kinda looking foward to watching it
ReplyDeleteI agree with esme's opinion because I do believe that Joe Biden is going to have to help Obama gain more supporters.
DeleteEsme's opinion about Biden coming strong after the presidential debate, is true because undecided people or people who actually switched to Romney after Obama failed, needed to see some important issues Obama left behind.
DeleteI believe the vice presidents will play a major role in this year's election. Biden has a lot on his hands for the upcoming debate due to Obama's week performance against Romney. The democrats are very fortunate to still be able to even up the score with Biden, and Republicans still rely on Ryan to continue what Romney started. This is why the vice presidents will play a major part in the 2012 elections. Both will impact the way voters lean towards which president.
ReplyDeleteI agree with sandra because so far Romney is taking the lead because of his speech he gave. But in the other hand Obama is depending on Ryan to step up for him & fix his flaws.
DeleteI agree with Sandra because Biden has alot on his hands due to Obama's weak performance last week, he has to win the peoples' favoratism and votes.
DeleteI agree with Sandra because the democrats have a lot to work on due to Obama's poor attitude during the last debate. And because I believe that VP's will play a major part in the 2012 elections.
DeleteAfter watching the Debate and reading the article, I believe that the VP is going to have an important role in this years election. After Obama had what many called a "poor speech," he is going to depend on his VP to get him credit that he didn't earn. Whatever Biden says will affect the peoples opinion on the presidents, and vise versa with the republican VP. Which ever VP wins office will due their regular job of keeping up with the presidents ideas to be ready if anything happens to the president. And if the VP does end up being the finally factor in who wins office, they will get some sort of recognition that former VPs didn't get.
ReplyDeletei agree witcha big P.. the vp is the presidents right hand man.. his side kick.. his ride or die.. his homie.. his partner.. his........?
DeleteI agree with Pachuca because whatever the VP says does affect the party and the Presidents. The president does depend on there VP
DeleteI think this year the role of the current Vice President is basically to defend the current president's weaknesses from the debate and actually helping him out in order to get people on his side. The Vice President has to support the ideas of the president once one of the candidates takes office.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Racoon(Miguel) because the role of the VP is to pretty much defend their running mate in debates and support their ideas.
DeleteI agree with miguel because no matter what, the vice president has to support the ideas of the president to not show weakness or disagreement
DeleteI agree with miguel because no matter what, the vice president has to support the ideas of the president to not show weakness or disagreement
DeleteI agree with Miguel because the VP should be there for the President to defend him in any way possible such as in situations in which the President cant do by himself.
DeleteI believe that the role of the VP is to not only be there supporting the president in his future plans but to also be his backup in the debates starting now. Since Romney won last week's debate and set the bar high for the next debate, Biden is now going to have to step in and explain what his goals are since Obama didn't do a great job last time. The VP also has to step in and fill the position of President in case the President falls ill or just dies. As it said in the article, "Ryan will face pressure to say exactly how he and Romney would implement their plan without adding to the deficit..." The role of the VP during this time is to explain the wanted, future goals of the president and when they actually get into office then they will now what to do with the goals.
ReplyDeletei Agree with Mercedes that the role of the VP is to explain the wanted. Future goals of the president.
DeleteI feel the role of the Biden the current VP in the up coming debate will be to fix a lot of the flaws with Obama's last performance. And the role of Ryan should be to just back up what Romney said. And basically show that he is able to take over if Romney wins and dies or gets sick.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Marc the VP's job is to support their partner and make them look better
DeleteI think the vice presidents will play an important role beacause they gotta back up the president like whut happened wit obama.. he had a poor retarded speech so its up to the vice president to say good things about him and get his back... the vp is like a side kick.. the vp has to help win the debates.
ReplyDeleteI personally think that the role of the VP is to backup anythink that the candidate for president says during his debate. For example in this last debate Obama gave a poor speech and that had a lot of controversy, so now the democrats are depending on Biden to step up and talk about the goals obama and himself would want to accomplish if he gets reelecte to persuade the nation as a whole. And the role of Ryan is to basicly keep up the "good work" Romney did and expand even more Romney's ideas.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Fanny because due to Obama's weak performance last week, its up to Biden to win the peoples' favoratism and votes.
DeleteI believe with Fanny in that the VP should be more of a back up to the president than nothing at all.
DeleteI think the role of the vice president is to defend and back up the president in any of the issues, also he has to help the president to win votes through debates and campaigning. Once they become vice president they have to help the president somewhat decide on issues but most likely wont do anything unless something happens to the president.
ReplyDeleteI think that the vice president candidates will play a major role in this coming election. This is simply because in the debates, the vice presidential candidates are expected to make up for lost ground in the previous presidential debate. The coming vice presidential debate will surely catch the attention of undecided voters and may play a major role in how the election may turn out.Once the candidates win or remain as vice president, they will be where their president can not be.. and give advice to the president
ReplyDeletei agree with jose that vice presidents do play a major role in the elections
DeleteI believe that this year the vice presidency role is going to be as important as the run of presidency between Obama and Romney. I believe this because Joe Biden is going to give his all to win this debate sense Obama lack power and presence against Romney. The VP candidates are going to support and expand the ideas that Romney and Obama discussed in the first debate of course they are going to try to get as much attention to raise votes so their party can win the presedential election and become the next VP of the United States.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Cecilia especially about Biden picking up some of the slack that Obama is leaving behind.
DeleteI defiantly think that the VP is going to make a very important role in this election because as for the Biden he has to bring up the weak debate that President Obama gave last week. Biden is going to make sure the democrats don’t loose any more votes, so most probably he is going to give his best. And I think by this Biden is going to show how a great candidate he is.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion is that the Vice Presidents do play a big role. Mainly because if a president had a bad debate like Obama, then it is up to the VP to defend or back up their beliefs. Once one becomes VP or continuous being VP they will persuade the people with their ideas and plan in order to promote their party.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Angela the VP helps out on the issues that the President has and helps improve their compagin.
DeleteThis will be a important debate because the vice president and VP candidate will deal with unanswered questions and try to make their presedential candidate look good. The vice president will be president of the senate and give advice to the president.
ReplyDeleteI believe the VP's will play an important role in this year's election because so many people are divided on who to elect as president that they will turn to the VP for a kind of 'second opinion'. The VP will give more of a background on what the president may or may not have said and why they should be elected or re-elected. Many people will be watching this debate & it's kind of a make-it-or-break-it trial for both.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jesse because the VP will give a great impression about the president so that people can change the way they view the candidate.
DeleteI agree with Jesse on the idea that the VP will make up for what the President misses to point out to the public.
DeleteThe vice presidents will play a major role in the presidency this year because many people are having issues in deciding who to vote for president. That's when the opinions or what vice presidents say in debates about presidential plans are important because they elaborate on the plans and they have insight which will help voters choose and have more information.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Angela because in case the people don't understand anything about what the president is talking about the VP elaborates on it. It provides more information on the subject, and supports the presidents idea's
DeleteThe vice president plays a huge role in the debate because it has to defend and make it more clearly understood on what the president failed to do in his debate. Once one of them either becomes vice president or continues as vice president they would need to be prepared to face their statements provided in the debate and be ready to replace the president at any moment.
ReplyDeletei think angela is right about people not knowing who to vote for and how the VP debate can help them give and idea of who they might end up voteing.and im the dont like the precident but do like the VP they can vote in there favor because in any momment if anything happences they will have to step up
DeleteThe VP is there to do what the president cannot. And to make up for anything the president may lack. For instance, should the presidential candidate slur his words, the VP, when speaking, will make sure to enunciate in his speech. It's up to them to keep their running mate as attractive to the public as possible.
ReplyDeleteThe vice president does play a big role in the debate and in his position in general because he is like the president's "plan b" meaning that if the president at some point has issues , the VP will be there to help out with ideas and solutions. Along with the president the VP also has the responsibility to agree or disagree with certain things the government decides to do , his opinion are valuable and the ideas he provides could be in deed a big help to our country.
ReplyDeleteOf course the Vice President would play a big role the election, because they are the ones who are there to motivate and to hide the Presidents weaknesses because without them is like having the football team without one of the main coaches who would be there throughout the game to push them to do better even thought they might be no hope. And if the President dies the VP would be in charge of what the President had already started
ReplyDeleteYes, i believe that the VP debate is/did play a big role towards the election. Since Barack didn't do so good in his presidential debate, Biden had to come stronger to put the democractic party back in the offense, by pushing Ryan as much as Romney push Barack. To whoever wins the VP position there job will be to give advise to the president and they can even agree or disagree in some of the decisions being made in congress, as well as knowing whats going on at all times so they can be ready to take the position as president if anything where to happen to the president.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the Vice President plays a major role in the election because its pretty much the presidents fall back. It occurs a lot where the president forgets to say something or messes up the VP takes over. They take their back and come out twice as strong to defend their president. If their is an issue the president addresses and it needs further explanation that's when the VP comes in hand to provide more reason. His ideas are are as valuable as the presidents.
ReplyDeleteThis one is mine the name wasn't put
DeleteI believe the vice president will play a limited and role in the election. They'll have to back up the president they're running with and agree on their policies. With Obama falling behind in his debates, Biden was expected to step up to fill in the gap that Obama couldn't do. Basically, this years VP serves as a defender for the president
ReplyDeleteI believe the VP are a great importance for the election. I feel the VP makes an undecided voter come to their final decision. If they did not like how a presidential candidate expressed himself maybe the VP could make a better job at it, if not worse. Once they become VP they will do nothing. Everything will be about the president.
ReplyDeletei agree with amairani in that the VP gives an extra push for the voters to cast their votes for one of the Vice President's presidential candidates and that the Vice president could make the president look better by expressing this issues with more detail.
DeleteI believe that the role of the vice president is bigger this year then it's been in other recent debates and elections. Both vice presidential canidates, Biden and Ryan, will have to attack and support solutions to the major problems in the United States along with the presidents. Vice Presidents play important roles because they can modify what the Presidential canidates said and make it look good.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ana, VPs will have to modify president candidates' comments and make them look better.
DeleteIn my opinion the role of the Vice President is to help the presidential candidate win votes and to promote their ideals as a party. In the 2012 elections the role of the Vice President will increase because voters are demanding to see more of the Vice Presidents ideas and reputations. In the case of the democrats pressure has been added to Biden to get them back on course after Obama's poor attitude during the last debate. Ryan in the other hand has to agree and be coherent with Romney's plans. Once one of them wins their role will only be to support the president and take over if he dies.
ReplyDeleteI belive that the Vice President has an important role.He needs to make sure the president is okay or has any issues and contribute to the decisions he makes also he needs to help in the campaing to bring new ideas and promote them as a whole to make the country get united.I belive that once there elected they need to work together to achive bigger things and make are nation become better
ReplyDeleteI agree with Alejandra that the vice president will make a big role. Also that need to help the nation become strong
DeleteIn my opinion I feel like VP do play a big role in this election, since they will have too make up for either or president's mistakes made in their past debate. For example Romney did a swell job in attacking President Obama and stating his facts in how he'd be the ideal president. But on the other hand President Obama fell behind and didn't do such a great job in defending his title, therefore VP Biden will have to make up For Obamas mistakes. And VP Ryan will have to keep up the great effort just as Romney did.
ReplyDeleteI believe the Vice President roles take a greater importance in the elections of 2012. The presidential candidates both need to present strong attitudes. Now their roles are more important because a lot of what vice presidents say, think, or do, have a big influence on what presidents' thoughts. Vice presidents also have to be considered as backups if Presidents may pass away.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Nancy because they are the back up, what if something happens they step up to the Presidency.
DeleteI agree with Nancy because the vice presidents do have an important role in this years election and also because its true that if the president is to pass away, the vice president would be the back up .
DeleteI believe that the Vice President plays a huge role in the 2012 election. In Obama's case, Biden needs to step in and make a stronger statement than he did to help their chances. The people are also demanding to hear more ideas from the Vice Presidents as well since they do participate in decision making.
ReplyDeleteIn my point of view I believe the role of a Vice President has much importance in the coming elections. A Vice President advises the President and we want someone that will do a good job. In my opinion the Vice President is as much important as the president because it is a back up if anything happens. They are our second choice.
ReplyDelete... In this elections Obama did so poorly and VP Biden had to step up. Both the VP have to agree with everything the President says. This is where they win votes, how well they agree with each other.
DeleteNaturally,the Vice President would play a crucial role in the upcoming elections;taking to consideration both of the VP'S on each side of the presidential candidates. For President Obama that didn't get much of a positive outcome in the past Presidential debate with his opponent Romney.So VP Joe Biden's job in the upcoming debate was to defend President Obama's issues and to push back Romney and Ryan. The VP also is the right hand man of the President in occassions they might have dissagreaments with each other in their exchange of ideas but in the end they find a solution that benefits everyone. So both the VP and the President area team without one another and the other contributors would not fuction properly, each piece of the puzzle in need to be complete. He gives reason to the President when he does not know what to do in a time of crisis,his ideas opinions and judgements are important. Also the Vice President can do somethings that the President cannot do himself; whenever the President is out of the country the Vice President is incharge in his place it also goes for the situation of something happening to the president that makes him unable to take charge like a disability or death.
ReplyDeleteIn this years election, i do believe the vice president will play a big role simply because of the fact that they are expected to pick up the slack that the President himself leaves behind . The vice president also has to contribute to the ideas & desicions that are made by the President. In the presidential debate, Obama showed poor attitude that caused Biden to be forced to step up for both of them.
ReplyDeletei agree with lily when she says that the VP has to pick up the slack and contribution.
DeleteThis election, the vice presidents are gonna make a big impact. Since Obama didn;t make such a strong debate this year vs. Romney, things went downhill. The democrats are gonna have to step u their game in order to make a comeback from Obama's downfall with his weak debate. Biden was expected to make a big comeback for the Democrats. Obviously this debate just happened yesterday, but let's pretend it didn't. Whichever candidate does good on the debate will help the chances of their running party, maybe not drastically but significally. Biden is expected to come out strong and not be afraid to pick on Ryan for tis debate. When he was running against Palin, he went soft on her, but this time he;s expected to come out strong. If Biden remains vice president he will try to make the people believe in him. He will need to propose plans to help the economy, and find ways to please the people. If Ryan becomes vice president, he will work on his social security plan, of making it free market. He will also help the economy, and make the people believe in him.
ReplyDeleteThis year, the Vice President candidates WILL make a difference on this election year. They are pretty much a great part of the decision making process because a party is needed to be seen how well it's(views of president and vp) put together with its ideas. The 1st presidential debate did not tie really well with the 1st VP debate. Romney dominated on the presidential debate while Biden dominated the other one. So there was this shift of favor in political party. The public pays attention to this shift and determines the strenght of both democrats and republicans. So, if Ryan, being as he failed on this debate wins, he'll need to step it up, while Biden on the other hand, if he continues to be VP, he'll stay as strong as he's been on sharing his views.
ReplyDeletei believe the Vice president is going to try to step up over Obama's poor speech, i think he is there to back up the president second plan and have a comeback.But if something ever happens to the president the VP will take his place and proceed until his term is over.
ReplyDeleteI Believe that this year the VP will make a difference in the election. Since Obama wasn’t able to put the Democrats in the offensive it is Joe Biden’s job to get them their by being aggressive and attacking the vulnerabilities of the Republicans. Paul Ryan on the other hand must show confidence and not back down going against a veteran like Joe Biden and show confidence and not be scared to retaliate against him. When one of them becomes VP the person would have to give advice to the President and also help oversee the plans the President said he would for the people.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Bello because Joe Biden put the Democrats right on track and paved the road for Obama's redemption of himself
DeleteI think every presidential elections VP can make or break the election but most importantly this presidential election is really being affected by its VP. Its been said Romney took the upper hand in the first debate and as for the democratic party had no other choice than to make up for Obama's lack of speech and that is exactly what Biden did setting the tone again.
ReplyDeleteHaving two even candidates up for presidency, the VP could make or break either. In this up coming election the VP could have the compromise never seen in the last presidential and could have new ideas to better our country. Having the VP for a "Wingman" is something of the past in this election.