I disagree with this article because views on politics for the most part are a learned behavior. Like it said, upbringing, career and even friends influence our political views; not our genes.
i think ryan is right for ones (jk),friends go play a big roll in the influence in are political view, well at least the ones who have the knowlege to have political views.
I disagree with Ryan( and with almost everyone... I know so horrible) because though politics is a learned behavior, the way we go about learning is directly reflected and related to our personality which is linked to genes. You can argue that we're not that affected by our genes, but the connection is still there so it is plausible.
I disagree with this article because i think that that are political views are influencend by are parents and the things that they thaught us in school and not are genes
I agree with Alejandra because school does play a big role in our political views. You learn more about politics and what they really are. Not when you are just a little kid you will already know your political view, you have to grow into that.
I strongly disagree with the idea that political views can be influenced by our genes. Everyone grows up in a different environment, and just by observing family members or friends is what really builds up a strong influence towards our political views. I don't think it is logical to say that you are born with a certain political view.
I can't believe that people could actually believe that political opinion comes from genetics. If that were true, then all psychological preference must come from genetics. Killers aren't born, they're made. The same idea is true for politics. Political opinion isn't in your blood, because it is, in essence, an idea.
Anything is possible, but the chances of this being true is ridiculously slim to even believe a possibility. I do not agree with this because politics is learned. You might be able to speak better or have some ability thay gives you an advantage in being a politician, but a lot of the time those people don't even join politics. Another reason is because Politics is a career not a gene. P.S Most if not all politicians are corrupt. :D
From my personal opinion I strongly disagree with this article based on how I learned "my politics." To expand this idea I would say that you're not naturally born knowing politics because politics are influenced by parents and/or school depending from where you come from'
I strongly disagree with this because your not born with knowing politics you gradually learn more and more as you talk and interact with others in school or with parents about politics. Politics cant be known from genes. You learn them.. Stupid article to even say that...
i don't agree with it because my parents are not involved in politics so there no way it could have been in my genes we are not born to with political knowledge. we learn about politics in school and some people vote for reasons like looks are i dont think you can detect that from a gene.but the idea of just sending your saliva and them getting who you might vote for sounds kinda cool in a gross way
i disagree. You might not have inherited any genes from your parents but you could have inherited some from an older reletive. If you go back far enough on your family tree you can find a relative that has similar a similar personality as you.
I agree with this article but not 100 percent. Your political views are based off your personality and what you feel about things. You can inherate personality traits from your family that can define your political vies. Although contradicting myself I also disagree with this for the most part because you can also be influenced by others on how you feel about thing.
I agree with brandon although i dont believe in political genes.. there are ways you could have inherited your parents "personality" improved by life experiences and that is how people develop the same views in the family.
I disagree with the sole idea of how political views can be influenced by our genes. Everyone grows up learning differently and the main influence comes from our parents. It's all in the matter of how YOU are raised as a child because what happens at a young age will set the basis for the rest of your life. One can't simply be born already having a certain point of view.
I agree that one can not be born with a certain point of view, but I don't feel that your parental influence can be so strong that it sways your vote 100%.
I feel that genes do play a role in how we choose our political parties.Having ancestors that evolved in a harsher environment might have caused the person more willing to listen to an authority figure able to survive longer than someone who wanted to be more independent. This might lead to their decendants to want a strong force protecting them which would want them to have a stronger government.
I don't fully agree with the article some of the stuff it says but i do believe in how can a political gene exist way before politics not possible. What i think is that our government with liberals and conservatives is a great improvement from other possible types of government that we had in the early years. It might not have been called politics but im pretty sure we had something like that. Just like anything we have now is an improvement from earlier adaptions. the article kind of reminded me of this this article about hunters and gatherers http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/DyeHard/women-love-shop-men-dont-blame-evolution/story?id=9281875#.UMJkU4M0WSo
I disagree witb the idea that genes decide our political views. Just because your parents have a certain political view does not mean that your views will be the same as theirs. As you grow up you are influenced by different people and events in life. You arent born already with a political view you have to decide on your own.
The idea of the article seems interesting but I would have to disagree with it because there is no possible way our genes tell us our political view. Your political views come from your environment, where you come from, your beliefs and even those around you.
so in the extra credit it doesnt let me post ! ! ! ! ! ! !(drones in america) ... i think that haveing drones in america can be good and bad.my reasons are people would argue about the goverment invading thier privicy but nothing is private anymore so they sould not make a big deal about it . if they do go with the plan they should only place them in areas where there wont be any collisions like in rual areas one good thing is that they might be able to help find people who might have gotten lost or fallen in like the gran canyon . 1 1 1 1 1 1 the texas secede article talks about how people are signing a petition that will allow texas to form its own goverment.i think is crazy how many people actually sign it , i would have never done that i think is a bad idea i dont know how they would be able to do that just sperate from the union.do they even have the right to do it? there would be so many problems if they follow the plan
I strongly DISAGREE with this article. People now a days are coming up with the most unusual things to research. Our political view is something learned from our family, peers, and surroundings. It is NOT something you are automatically born with. our genes don't determine our way of thinking, our knowledge does!
I agree with Nancy in that we learn our political views from our family, our peers,ect.Also that we are not born to think that way when we do not know what is happening in the world.
I agree with this article. Though our genes cannot possibly tell us what to vote for, there has been significant proof linking personality to genes( and your personality directly relates to your political opinion). One must remember this is not absolute, lets say a person has a gene that LITERALLY tells them to vote for somemone in particular. While they have this gene, there are many others that corrolate and influence this one. This brings us to the enviroment (another influence on our being). If one is coded vote for a candidate, other genes come first. In a life or death situation, no matter what the gene code says you'll vote for another. The same goes for every day aspects. A gene may lead you to be more conservative ( for evidence of such genes find a study on Wolfe packs... how loner wolves usually have gene trends about them), but if the candidate that is CONSTERVATIVE is do irrational, your logic gene will override your policy gene. In essence there is most likely some genetic influence (whether indirect or direct) on our political views, the MILLIONS of other corrolating genes with the additional enviroment also influence these aspects.
I disagree with Julio. Proven by political scientist, as one grows up, he/she becomes more firm over what there thoughts concerning politics are. This can only happen through some main channels such as culture, media, and the popular ideal. As the example said concerning the wolves, if the wolf has been raised in an isolated area, then the wolf will get adapted to that lifestyle meaning that it will be hard to change it, just as it's hard to change someone's political view.
Sorry i need to reply, this is true Christian, however think about the enviroment that ones political opinions become more firm. In the setting of America, your opinions are accepted by everyone (or at least they cant do anything about it), however would that always be the case? and relating to the wolves actually they were researching russian packs ( some of the largest they've ever seen) and despite this they still have loners. This is the same as humans, whether or not you are raised in AN AREA FULL of people, you can be the sort of person that becomes isolated. And as for adaption that agrees with my statement. There isnt JUST ONE ABSOLUTE gene telling you, its a variety (millions) of genes corrolating to each other. The main argument isnt that THERES SO MUCH INFLUENCE, but rahter that THERE IS SOME.
I read both arguments and had to say that rather than a gene (or several genes) influencing what you are thinking, it's your brain. Your everyday surroundings is taken in as information and processed for later use. This is psychological. You may be made up of about 20,000 genes(and counting), but that has no consequences on the way we think and interpret things. That job is left up to our brain.
(im gonna keep arguing for the sake of arguing). Look our brain is made up of gene. Saying that a gene has no influence on is ourtright false. The brain is made of GENES everything you have that is considered part of your body is influenced by genetic makeup. I restate my thesis, I am not saying you have no influence in your though process, nor your political ideals. However there is a connection, whether that is the connection of genes and personality to political ideals, to genes and life ( for if you were not alive I sencirely doubt you would have political ideals).
Thank God someone I can agree with. I agree with Julio because it isn't a gene saying you're republican or you're democrat it's a gene that influences how we learn and develop our political views.
I disagree with this article for several reasons. As humans, we have the ability to accommodate to our surroundings, as well as learn from them. I believe that most of our knowledge comes from things we read, hear, and perform. Referring to political views, we learn it from reading accurate articles, family discussions, and school. One cannot be born knowing something before he/she even knows what it is. For example, my grandpa loves playing soccer, and my dad loves playing soccer. Nothing will guarantee that from the moment I'm born, I will love soccer because I have it in my genes. I must first learn what the sport is about, how to play, and then decide whether I have a passion for soccer or not. I learned it from my surroundings, which in this case was my dad.
I must disagree with our statement "One cannot be born knowing something before he/she even knows what it is." We actually can they're called instincts or innate behaviors. Did anyone teach you how to blink, breathe, drink, or eat? I assume we're all supposed to teach our dogs to shake water off their fur when they get wet? Baby sea turtles crawl into the water from the sands that their eggs are buried in yet no one taught them to do so. Maybe they heard the word of god within their egg, or it's just a behavior learned through thousands of years of evolution.
I disagree with this article mainly because I do not believe that this is true. Genes are simply genes they make up who we are biologically however they do not have a brain to think about their decisions and actions.Humas are made up from their personal expierences, parents as well as friends influence this is were we learn to decide on which political ideals and parties we are with, are genes cannot and will not decide that for us.
I agree with Cecilia. Our genes make up our biological traits, but to go as far as claiming that they determine our political stance is "extremely unlikely."
I have to say that I disagree with this article because it is ridiculous to think that our genes could determine what political party we will side with. The influence of politics come from open discussion, a general knowledge and understanding, and how we are raised. Giving money to a "genopolitics" program would be a waste of taxes payers money. I don't believe that associating with Democrats or Republicans is, or can be, determined by looking at our genetics.
I disagree with this article most because the evidence they present is very weak to support the argument. They had stated that there are studies that show political views are affected by our parents' genes, but they didn't elaborate or go into a more in depth explanation. The evidence that they do give, leans towards psychological reasons rather than biological. For example, they talk about how our emotions is a factor for our political views, this is psychological. Our emotions stems from the responses our brain sends out to the rest of our body. The emotions we feel is influenced from what we learn for our surroundings. We interpret and make our own opinion based on what we learn, and this logic also applies to our political views.
I don't agree with the idea of politics being on our genes. A persons political view is determined by the environment they grow up and influences and experiences they went through. Genes determines a lot of a person but not about the way they think and how they are influenced when they grow up by the different people surrounding that person. The article doesn't give enough support for their idea and not a very good explanation which makes me assure of my opinion.
I disagree with the article on account that we do not get our political views from our genes, but from our surrounding environment. Which does in many forms influence our daily decisions that we make our selfs. For we do not get out of the womb with a political party in mind when we do not know what it is in the first place.Like i said before we learn as we go in our environment like in school, home, the street,or even watching the tv ,with your friends as well as any other places.
I disagree with the article; it is ridiculous to think that our political views can be influenced by our genes. Our "political beliefs" develop differently according to our needs and wants. I believe that family and friends have a strong influence on our political beliefs, but not our genes.
i disagree with the article about that political views come from our genes. I believe that our political views come from our opinion and not our gene itself. Our knowledge grows as we become more sophisticated about the political views if your very well educated or follow politics news updates. Genes and knowledge are two different things in politic perspective.
I agree with Miguel genes and knowledge are two different things, our opinion comes from being educated and learning about politics as well as following political news.
I completly disagree with the article stating that our political views come from our genes. As we progress through life we get taught about thr government and politics by either our parents or our teachers. Our political view inhances as the years go on and we learn on how it affects us. With the teachings we recieve is how we give birth to our oppinion and view of politics. Genes have absolutely notihng to do with how we get our political views unless our political views were strands of hair.
I agree with Jocelyn because because as we grow up we learn about politics and one gets to decide what they will think over politics , it's not something that you inherit from your parents. Everyone has different perspectives.
I dont agree with the article, because your view on politics is what you learn and belive in. I dont think that its in your genes, Your body cant tell you what you believe in or not believe in.
I disagree with the article because our political views come from what we see or hear from others,our way to think comes from reading or learning new things on the other hand genes are pass by our parents and political views is not one of them, they come from what you learn and want to believe.
I disagree with this article because our political views are not determined by our genes. It's not coded in our DNA what we're gonna go for. The outside world and how we interpret or lean on things make the difference not genes. How you're gonna think is not in your genes, yes parents may influence your political shift towards things, but not what you're gonna chose when you're a sperm.
I do not agree with this article because politics in my opinion is something you learn as you grow older. The way I see it is that just because you grandparents or parents have certain knowledge over politics does not mean you have the same view. I do not think that politics is something that can be passed through genes , one gains knowledge on their own as we mature.
I disagree with the article because genes do not influence our view on politics but instead the environment we live in and the way that one is raised also plays a part on our political views not our genes.
I disagree with the article because your opinion over politics cannot be inherited through ones genes, but they are influenced by your parents and peers. Everyone has different opinions and thoughts over different topics but just because your grandparents and parents have the same opinions over politics does not mean you will too.
The article over how our genes determent our political views has good points. I don't believe in inheriting how I view politick. Genes are more of how characteristic come from our parents. Our mind thinks and has its mind of its own. Our views change but our parents and the way we are raised do influence the way we think about stuff.
I disagree with the article from the BBC, that our genes can influence our political views. I believe our political views are gained over speculations we have on certain things and over time we develop on what we believe would be the right choice.It all depends on the environment you grew up or live in.
I agree with Araceli. Our political views are gained depending on what is developed and what we believe also being influenced by the environment which we live in.
I absolutely do not agree with this article because politics is just another part of education. You can't already know about politics when you are born. It will not be in your genes. Politics is something you learn in school or by your parents. An individual does not learn politics by your DNA.
I disagree with BBC's article explaining that our genes influence our political views and the discoveries of genopolitics is inaccurate. One might not know a thing about politics, and it would not magically appear in their a strong opinion to the recent opinion in politics. As mentioned in the article; "Obviously there isn't a gene controlling how people answer questions about their political belief, that would be ridiculous." Genes are DNA inherited by far relatives, but more likely by parents. They determine how one is going to be, look one will look like, etc. Opinions/beliefs are based on friends, family, teachers , or any close ones. Depending on what you believe/what you persuaded to think will change/make your beliefs.
I completely disagree with this article, i laugh that someone had the audacity to say something like this. In my opinion genetics and politics are 2 irrelevant things. Your choice of politics are influence by the hardship you may face and your DNA does not have the capability to know what struggles you may face. Also political influence comes from parents, peers, and an education.
I agree with the article since there's enough evidence to develop a reasonable hypothesis especially since genopolitics is still a new concept. Those who disagree are looking at this all wrong and others are just denying science. We're not in the dark ages, we can show more faith in science and less in "god". You're thinking that there is one gene that determines your opinion but that's false. "Obviously, political opinions don't come in one specific "political opinion" gene that you get from your parents at conception, but the idea behind genopolitics is that genes can influence something in our brains that then influences how political opinions are developed" That quote was taken from Dvice.com on a similar article about genopolitics that even sources the BBC article we're reading. Maybe this quote will put it in terms which you can understand "it's not that genes control political belief, it's more that genes may influence how political judgments are derived" Perhaps most of you overlooked the amygdala argument about how it controls emotional responses in us and conservatives have a larger amygdala than liberals, or that conservatives have been proven to respond emotionally to threats like the experiments with the sudden noise. Of course we are also shaped by our environments and how we grow up, politics will just be another nature vs nurture thing. Our brain plays a big part in who we are and it's just natural to assume that our opinions are included.
I disagree with the article. With some influence from my Statistics class, there is absolutely no way (yet) to determine if genetics really causes a certain political view or approach. There is a POSSIBILITY that the 2 actually share a direct relationship, but I believe there are hidden factors that influence both in a way that makes the 2 subjects look correlated.
This article was so ridiculous. There is no way that political ideology comes from genetics. Genetics deals with things like hair and eye color, height, and DNA related characteristics. The way you feel about politics has nothing to do with your genes. The way you develop your opinion on politics is by your own beliefs. Of course family, friends, the media and other aspects of your life have an impact on your decisions, but your genes don't. There are independent people in the world who base their opinions off of what will benefit them best. This article focused on very irrelevant aspects of life.
I come to dissagree with the article in the idea that political views are inherited. Even if there are studies that lead us to the opinion of there being a link with our biology interacting with ideas, there is not enough information of the human genome to tell us everything. I beleive that what we learn from politics, we learn from our surroundings as we grow up and become aware of our actions.
I disagree with the article that states politics is in our genes.There's not enough information to support their thesis and not enough explanation to acknowledge their statement.They are just crazy theories!!You cannot inherit what you belief, its impossible that's determined by ones environment and influences they receive.
I disagree with the article because it says that politics is in our genes. That isnt necesarily true & there isnt much Fact to prove that statement. Politics is something you learn as you grow up.
I disagree with the article's theory that states politics is in our genes.There's no way someone cannot inherit what you belief, that is nonsense. Someone's beliefs in politics is determined by the there surroundings and influences. You can influence someone but they can't inherit your beliefs. There isn't enough facts to prove this statement.
I disagree with this article because views on politics for the most part are a learned behavior. Like it said, upbringing, career and even friends influence our political views; not our genes.
ReplyDeletei think ryan is right for ones (jk),friends go play a big roll in the influence in are political view, well at least the ones who have the knowlege to have political views.
DeleteI disagree with Ryan( and with almost everyone... I know so horrible) because though politics is a learned behavior, the way we go about learning is directly reflected and related to our personality which is linked to genes. You can argue that we're not that affected by our genes, but the connection is still there so it is plausible.
DeleteI agree with Ryan that there are many other things that influence our opinions, and our genetics are not one of them.
DeleteI disagree with this article because i think that that are political views are influencend by are parents and the things that they thaught us in school and not are genes
ReplyDeleteI agree with Alejandra because I do think that political views are influenced by parents and things taught in school.
DeleteI agree with Alejandra because school does play a big role in our political views. You learn more about politics and what they really are. Not when you are just a little kid you will already know your political view, you have to grow into that.
DeleteI strongly disagree with the idea that political views can be influenced by our genes. Everyone grows up in a different environment, and just by observing family members or friends is what really builds up a strong influence towards our political views. I don't think it is logical to say that you are born with a certain political view.
ReplyDeleteI agree with sandra on the use of logic to respond to this article.
DeleteI agree with Sandra's statement on how it is not logical to say you're born with a P.O.V. It's about how YOUR parents raised you.
DeleteI agree with sandra we learn politics from the people around us not are genes
Deletei agree with sandra because our political views are shaped/influenced by our parents.We are not born with a political view.
DeleteI can't believe that people could actually believe that political opinion comes from genetics. If that were true, then all psychological preference must come from genetics. Killers aren't born, they're made. The same idea is true for politics. Political opinion isn't in your blood, because it is, in essence, an idea.
ReplyDeleteAnything is possible, but the chances of this being true is ridiculously slim to even believe a possibility. I do not agree with this because politics is learned. You might be able to speak better or have some ability thay gives you an advantage in being a politician, but a lot of the time those people don't even join politics. Another reason is because Politics is a career not a gene. P.S Most if not all politicians are corrupt. :D
ReplyDeleteI agree with the whole ability to have your own ability to make your own idea. Although with this anything is possible, he is wrong.
DeleteI agree with Pachuca politics is an idea, we can change our political views as we get older.The influence of other ideas is how we make our choice.
DeleteFrom my personal opinion I strongly disagree with this article based on how I learned "my politics." To expand this idea I would say that you're not naturally born knowing politics because politics are influenced by parents and/or school depending from where you come from'
ReplyDeletei agree with all of this.. politics are influenced..
DeleteI agree with Fanny because no one is naturally born with knowledge of politics, we are influenced by school and parents.
DeleteI strongly disagree with this because your not born with knowing politics you gradually learn more and more as you talk and interact with others in school or with parents about politics. Politics cant be known from genes. You learn them.. Stupid article to even say that...
ReplyDeletei don't agree with it because my parents are not involved in politics so there no way it could have been in my genes we are not born to with political knowledge. we learn about politics in school and some people vote for reasons like looks are i dont think you can detect that from a gene.but the idea of just sending your saliva and them getting who you might vote for sounds kinda cool in a gross way
ReplyDeletei disagree. You might not have inherited any genes from your parents but you could have inherited some from an older reletive. If you go back far enough on your family tree you can find a relative that has similar a similar personality as you.
Deletejajaja no!
DeleteI agree with this article but not 100 percent. Your political views are based off your personality and what you feel about things. You can inherate personality traits from your family that can define your political vies. Although contradicting myself I also disagree with this for the most part because you can also be influenced by others on how you feel about thing.
ReplyDeleteI agree with brandon although i dont believe in political genes.. there are ways you could have inherited your parents "personality" improved by life experiences and that is how people develop the same views in the family.
DeleteI disagree with the sole idea of how political views can be influenced by our genes. Everyone grows up learning differently and the main influence comes from our parents. It's all in the matter of how YOU are raised as a child because what happens at a young age will set the basis for the rest of your life. One can't simply be born already having a certain point of view.
ReplyDeleteI strongly agree with his comment because we learn about politics as we get older....
DeleteI agree that one can not be born with a certain point of view, but I don't feel that your parental influence can be so strong that it sways your vote 100%.
DeleteI agree with Vu in the case that when we are born we don't know anything about politics and we don't until much older age.
DeleteI feel that genes do play a role in how we choose our political parties.Having ancestors that evolved in a harsher environment might have caused the person more willing to listen to an authority figure able to survive longer than someone who wanted to be more independent. This might lead to their decendants to want a strong force protecting them which would want them to have a stronger government.
ReplyDeleteI don't fully agree with the article some of the stuff it says but i do believe in how can a political gene exist way before politics not possible. What i think is that our government with liberals and conservatives is a great improvement from other possible types of government that we had in the early years. It might not have been called politics but im pretty sure we had something like that. Just like anything we have now is an improvement from earlier adaptions. the article kind of reminded me of this this article about hunters and gatherers
I disagree witb the idea that genes decide our political views. Just because your parents have a certain political view does not mean that your views will be the same as theirs. As you grow up you are influenced by different people and events in life. You arent born already with a political view you have to decide on your own.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ana's answer as we grow up we are influence by other people that are not our parents.
DeleteThe idea of the article seems interesting but I would have to disagree with it because there is no possible way our genes tell us our political view. Your political views come from your environment, where you come from, your beliefs and even those around you.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Maritza because our political views come from your surroundings not from your genes -.-
Deleteso in the extra credit it doesnt let me post
!(drones in america) ... i think that haveing drones in america can be good and bad.my reasons are people would argue about the goverment invading thier privicy but nothing is private anymore so they sould not make a big deal about it . if they do go with the plan they should only place them in areas where there wont be any collisions like in rual areas one good thing is that they might be able to help find people who might have gotten lost or fallen in like the gran canyon .
the texas secede article talks about how people are signing a petition that will allow texas to form its own goverment.i think is crazy how many people actually sign it , i would have never done that i think is a bad idea i dont know how they would be able to do that just sperate from the union.do they even have the right to do it? there would be so many problems if they follow the plan
I strongly DISAGREE with this article. People now a days are coming up with the most unusual things to research. Our political view is something learned from our family, peers, and surroundings. It is NOT something you are automatically born with. our genes don't determine our way of thinking, our knowledge does!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Nancy in that we learn our political views from our family, our peers,ect.Also that we are not born to think that way when we do not know what is happening in the world.
DeleteI agree with this article. Though our genes cannot possibly tell us what to vote for, there has been significant proof linking personality to genes( and your personality directly relates to your political opinion). One must remember this is not absolute, lets say a person has a gene that LITERALLY tells them to vote for somemone in particular. While they have this gene, there are many others that corrolate and influence this one. This brings us to the enviroment (another influence on our being). If one is coded vote for a candidate, other genes come first. In a life or death situation, no matter what the gene code says you'll vote for another. The same goes for every day aspects. A gene may lead you to be more conservative ( for evidence of such genes find a study on Wolfe packs... how loner wolves usually have gene trends about them), but if the candidate that is CONSTERVATIVE is do irrational, your logic gene will override your policy gene. In essence there is most likely some genetic influence (whether indirect or direct) on our political views, the MILLIONS of other corrolating genes with the additional enviroment also influence these aspects.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with Julio. Proven by political scientist, as one grows up, he/she becomes more firm over what there thoughts concerning politics are. This can only happen through some main channels such as culture, media, and the popular ideal. As the example said concerning the wolves, if the wolf has been raised in an isolated area, then the wolf will get adapted to that lifestyle meaning that it will be hard to change it, just as it's hard to change someone's political view.
DeleteSorry i need to reply, this is true Christian, however think about the enviroment that ones political opinions become more firm. In the setting of America, your opinions are accepted by everyone (or at least they cant do anything about it), however would that always be the case? and relating to the wolves actually they were researching russian packs ( some of the largest they've ever seen) and despite this they still have loners. This is the same as humans, whether or not you are raised in AN AREA FULL of people, you can be the sort of person that becomes isolated. And as for adaption that agrees with my statement. There isnt JUST ONE ABSOLUTE gene telling you, its a variety (millions) of genes corrolating to each other. The main argument isnt that THERES SO MUCH INFLUENCE, but rahter that THERE IS SOME.
DeleteI read both arguments and had to say that rather than a gene (or several genes) influencing what you are thinking, it's your brain. Your everyday surroundings is taken in as information and processed for later use. This is psychological. You may be made up of about 20,000 genes(and counting), but that has no consequences on the way we think and interpret things. That job is left up to our brain.
Delete(im gonna keep arguing for the sake of arguing). Look our brain is made up of gene. Saying that a gene has no influence on is ourtright false. The brain is made of GENES everything you have that is considered part of your body is influenced by genetic makeup. I restate my thesis, I am not saying you have no influence in your though process, nor your political ideals. However there is a connection, whether that is the connection of genes and personality to political ideals, to genes and life ( for if you were not alive I sencirely doubt you would have political ideals).
DeleteRephrasing firt sentence- Our brain is made up of genes. Saying that a gene has no influence on the thought process--- etc etc.
DeleteThank God someone I can agree with. I agree with Julio because it isn't a gene saying you're republican or you're democrat it's a gene that influences how we learn and develop our political views.
DeleteI disagree with this article for several reasons. As humans, we have the ability to accommodate to our surroundings, as well as learn from them. I believe that most of our knowledge comes from things we read, hear, and perform. Referring to political views, we learn it from reading accurate articles, family discussions, and school. One cannot be born knowing something before he/she even knows what it is. For example, my grandpa loves playing soccer, and my dad loves playing soccer. Nothing will guarantee that from the moment I'm born, I will love soccer because I have it in my genes. I must first learn what the sport is about, how to play, and then decide whether I have a passion for soccer or not. I learned it from my surroundings, which in this case was my dad.
ReplyDeleteI must disagree with our statement "One cannot be born knowing something before he/she even knows what it is." We actually can they're called instincts or innate behaviors. Did anyone teach you how to blink, breathe, drink, or eat? I assume we're all supposed to teach our dogs to shake water off their fur when they get wet? Baby sea turtles crawl into the water from the sands that their eggs are buried in yet no one taught them to do so. Maybe they heard the word of god within their egg, or it's just a behavior learned through thousands of years of evolution.
DeleteI disagree with this article mainly because I do not believe that this is true. Genes are simply genes they make up who we are biologically however they do not have a brain to think about their decisions and actions.Humas are made up from their personal expierences, parents as well as friends influence this is were we learn to decide on which political ideals and parties we are with, are genes cannot and will not decide that for us.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Cecilia. Our genes make up our biological traits, but to go as far as claiming that they determine our political stance is "extremely unlikely."
DeleteI have to say that I disagree with this article because it is ridiculous to think that our genes could determine what political party we will side with. The influence of politics come from open discussion, a general knowledge and understanding, and how we are raised. Giving money to a "genopolitics" program would be a waste of taxes payers money. I don't believe that associating with Democrats or Republicans is, or can be, determined by looking at our genetics.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jesse and to give money to a "genopolitics" program would just be a waste of money.
DeleteI disagree with this article most because the evidence they present is very weak to support the argument. They had stated that there are studies that show political views are affected by our parents' genes, but they didn't elaborate or go into a more in depth explanation. The evidence that they do give, leans towards psychological reasons rather than biological. For example, they talk about how our emotions is a factor for our political views, this is psychological. Our emotions stems from the responses our brain sends out to the rest of our body. The emotions we feel is influenced from what we learn for our surroundings. We interpret and make our own opinion based on what we learn, and this logic also applies to our political views.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with the idea of politics being on our genes. A persons political view is determined by the environment they grow up and influences and experiences they went through. Genes determines a lot of a person but not about the way they think and how they are influenced when they grow up by the different people surrounding that person. The article doesn't give enough support for their idea and not a very good explanation which makes me assure of my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Fernando because based on what influences you and your surroundings is what determines your Political view.
DeleteI disagree with the article on account that we do not get our political views from our genes, but from our
ReplyDeletesurrounding environment. Which does in many forms influence our daily decisions that we make our selfs. For we do not get out of the womb with a political party in mind when we do not know what it is in the first place.Like i said before we learn as we go in our environment like in school, home, the street,or even watching the tv ,with your friends as well as any other places.
I disagree with the article; it is ridiculous to think that our political views can be influenced by our genes. Our "political beliefs" develop differently according to our needs and wants. I believe that family and friends have a strong influence on our political beliefs, but not our genes.
ReplyDeletei agree with luis her that the article is ridiculous and that genes dont have an influence in our political views.
Deletei Agree with puerco, because it depends on your needs and what you want.
Deletei disagree with the article about that political views come from our genes. I believe that our political views come from our opinion and not our gene itself. Our knowledge grows as we become more sophisticated about the political views if your very well educated or follow politics news updates. Genes and knowledge are two different things in politic perspective.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Miguel genes and knowledge are two different things, our opinion comes from being educated and learning about politics as well as following political news.
DeleteI completly disagree with the article stating that our political views come from our genes. As we progress through life we get taught about thr government and politics by either our parents or our teachers. Our political view inhances as the years go on and we learn on how it affects us. With the teachings we recieve is how we give birth to our oppinion and view of politics. Genes have absolutely notihng to do with how we get our political views unless our political views were strands of hair.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jocelyn because because as we grow up we learn about politics and one gets to decide what they will think over politics , it's not something that you inherit from your parents. Everyone has different perspectives.
DeleteI dont agree with the article, because your view on politics is what you learn and belive in. I dont think that its in your genes, Your body cant tell you what you believe in or not believe in.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with the article because our political views come from what we see or hear from others,our way to think comes from reading or learning new things on the other hand genes are pass by our parents and political views is not one of them, they come from what you learn and want to believe.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this article because our political views are not determined by our genes. It's not coded in our DNA what we're gonna go for. The outside world and how we interpret or lean on things make the difference not genes. How you're gonna think is not in your genes, yes parents may influence your political shift towards things, but not what you're gonna chose when you're a sperm.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with this article because politics in my opinion is something you learn as you grow older. The way I see it is that just because you grandparents or parents have certain knowledge over politics does not mean you have the same view. I do not think that politics is something that can be passed through genes , one gains knowledge on their own as we mature.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Brenda because politics is something you learn as you grow older.
DeleteI agree with Brenda because its true that people gain knowledge on thier own and then choose what is more benificial to them.
DeleteI disagree with the article because genes do not influence our view on politics but instead the environment we live in and the way that one is raised also plays a part on our political views not our genes.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Alex where and how we are raise has a mojor role on our political views and not specificly our genes.
DeleteI disagree with the article because your opinion over politics cannot be inherited through ones genes, but they are influenced by your parents and peers. Everyone has different opinions and thoughts over different topics but just because your grandparents and parents have the same opinions over politics does not mean you will too.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Bella when she says that what our grandparents think will have an influence in our genes.
DeleteThe article over how our genes determent our political views has good points. I don't believe in inheriting how I view politick. Genes are more of how characteristic come from our parents. Our mind thinks and has its mind of its own. Our views change but our parents and the way we are raised do influence the way we think about stuff.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Vicky because our thoughts and opinions are different from our instincts. We don't inherit the knowledge of politics.
DeleteI disagree with the article from the BBC, that our genes can influence our political views. I believe our political views are gained over speculations we have on certain things and over time we develop on what we believe would be the right choice.It all depends on the environment you grew up or live in.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Araceli. Our political views are gained depending on what is developed and what we believe also being influenced by the environment which we live in.
DeleteI absolutely do not agree with this article because politics is just another part of education. You can't already know about politics when you are born. It will not be in your genes. Politics is something you learn in school or by your parents. An individual does not learn politics by your DNA.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with BBC's article explaining that our genes influence our political views and the discoveries of genopolitics is inaccurate. One might not know a thing about politics, and it would not magically appear in their a strong opinion to the recent opinion in politics. As mentioned in the article; "Obviously there isn't a gene controlling how people answer questions about their political belief, that would be ridiculous." Genes are DNA inherited by far relatives, but more likely by parents. They determine how one is going to be, look one will look like, etc. Opinions/beliefs are based on friends, family, teachers , or any close ones. Depending on what you believe/what you persuaded to think will change/make your beliefs.
ReplyDeleteI completely disagree with this article, i laugh that someone had the audacity to say something like this. In my opinion genetics and politics are 2 irrelevant things. Your choice of politics are influence by the hardship you may face and your DNA does not have the capability to know what struggles you may face. Also political influence comes from parents, peers, and an education.
ReplyDeleteI also agree that the enviorment a person is in impacts their political views more than genetics ever will
DeleteI agree with the article since there's enough evidence to develop a reasonable hypothesis especially since genopolitics is still a new concept. Those who disagree are looking at this all wrong and others are just denying science. We're not in the dark ages, we can show more faith in science and less in "god". You're thinking that there is one gene that determines your opinion but that's false. "Obviously, political opinions don't come in one specific "political opinion" gene that you get from your parents at conception, but the idea behind genopolitics is that genes can influence something in our brains that then influences how political opinions are developed" That quote was taken from Dvice.com on a similar article about genopolitics that even sources the BBC article we're reading. Maybe this quote will put it in terms which you can understand "it's not that genes control political belief, it's more that genes may influence how political judgments are derived" Perhaps most of you overlooked the amygdala argument about how it controls emotional responses in us and conservatives have a larger amygdala than liberals, or that conservatives have been proven to respond emotionally to threats like the experiments with the sudden noise. Of course we are also shaped by our environments and how we grow up, politics will just be another nature vs nurture thing. Our brain plays a big part in who we are and it's just natural to assume that our opinions are included.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with the article. With some influence from my Statistics class, there is absolutely no way (yet) to determine if genetics really causes a certain political view or approach. There is a POSSIBILITY that the 2 actually share a direct relationship, but I believe there are hidden factors that influence both in a way that makes the 2 subjects look correlated.
ReplyDeleteThis article was so ridiculous. There is no way that political ideology comes from genetics. Genetics deals with things like hair and eye color, height, and DNA related characteristics. The way you feel about politics has nothing to do with your genes. The way you develop your opinion on politics is by your own beliefs. Of course family, friends, the media and other aspects of your life have an impact on your decisions, but your genes don't. There are independent people in the world who base their opinions off of what will benefit them best. This article focused on very irrelevant aspects of life.
ReplyDeleteI come to dissagree with the article in the idea that political views are inherited. Even if there are studies that lead us to the opinion of there being a link with our biology interacting with ideas, there is not enough information of the human genome to tell us everything. I beleive that what we learn from politics, we learn from our surroundings as we grow up and become aware of our actions.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Natividad when she sas that politics is somethin that is leaned from our surroundings as we grow up .
DeleteI disagree with the article that states politics is in our genes.There's not enough information to support their thesis and not enough explanation to acknowledge their statement.They are just crazy theories!!You cannot inherit what you belief, its impossible that's determined by ones environment and influences they receive.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with the article because it says that politics is in our genes. That isnt necesarily true & there isnt much Fact to prove that statement. Politics is something you learn as you grow up.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with the article's theory that states politics is in our genes.There's no way someone cannot inherit what you belief, that is nonsense. Someone's beliefs in politics is determined by the there surroundings and influences. You can influence someone but they can't inherit your beliefs. There isn't enough facts to prove this statement.